The Good:
I really like the school media specialist (read: librarian) that I'm working with, he's friendly and funny and he seems excited to have me working with him. He also seems to be interested in using me more as a second librarian rather than as an "assistant" in the traditional sense and this makes me SO happy (and relieved).
The Bad:
I'm a part-time assistant. (And I know it's stupid but I died just a little inside each time the very nice media specialist introduced me as his new assistant.)
The (REALLY) Ugly:
The salary is 1/2 of what was listed when I applied. I've spent (literally) weeks asking HR, my principal, the asst. principal, etc. what my exact salary would be (as the posting listed a range) and nobody could give me an answer. Today when I went to HR to get my new badge, fill out the tax and benefits forms, etc. I asked about the salary as soon as I was alone with someone in a position to tell me anything. The lady wrote a number (the number was around what I'd expected) on the form listing my employee identification number, my school, my start date, etc. and then she said that I am classified as a permanent part-time employee and my salary is 1/2 of that number.
Ignore, if you will, the obvious questions: Why didn't she write my salary down? or Why'd she want to show me a number that it will take me two months to earn? Let's just stick to the facts. The posting listed the job as a part-time position with a salary with a range of xy NOT xy/2!!!!
I asked her to repeat herself...and then I asked her to repeat herself again and then I did the math myself (out-loud) just to be sure I was hearing her correctly. We went on with the meeting (I'm pretty sure my face was completely white at this point) and then before we ended the meeting I confirmed the salary again. (It hadn't changed from the last time I asked.) Then I got the tax/benefits/direct deposit paperwork, then I hid in the bathroom and hyperventilated. 1/2?!?!?!
I've calmed down a bit but I'm still pretty upset. (The HR/salary-stuff all happened in the morning and I spent the afternoon at the school.) It feels a little (a lot) like I was misled...and if I'd known the pay scale, I'm not sure that I'd have applied. However, there are silver linings to every gigantic, ugly gray storm cloud and I'm sure that is true of this as well.
Tomorrow is another day.
And other cliches.