Monday, March 21, 2011

Eight Days a Week

So, you all know me, you know that I need structure. I read a lot of blogs on a lot of different topics and one of the things that seems to work well is repetition. On The Happiness Project, Wednesdays are Tip or List days, at least once a week the Well Blog over on NYT talks about a certain dietary concern and then provides a couple of recipes to meet it, Diner's Journal (also NYT--I hope the blogs aren't included in their new pay structure) includes a "What We're Reading" segment (with links to the articles) get the drift. This got me thinking that perhaps a "Mondays are ______ Day" approach would help provide the structure I (apparently) can't live without.

I think one of the things that hindered me in the past was the stare of the blank screen and the blinking cursor (for other examples of this phenomenon please see: the latest unfinished novel on my desktop). If I were blogging about food or decorating or parenting or money, I would have a framework to work within for each post. With a blog like this one, where the only unifying element is me, I can write about anything. There's a lot of freedom in this...but there's also some terror. Just because I can write about anything doesn't mean I should. Do you really care what I had for lunch today? (Chopped salad and Jello pudding cup) No? Didn't think so.

Choosing my structure is going to be a bit of a work-in-progress. I think I'll start by picking one or two "days" and see how the whole thing evolves from there. For now, I'm going to take a page from some of the earlier mentioned blogs and go with "What Am I Reading" on Fridays and List/Tips on Tuesdays. We'll see how it goes and
I of course welcome your feedback.

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